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New survey for criminal justice charities – help us understand the challenges and opportunities of the funding landscape

New Philanthropy Capital (NPC) are running a survey to help us learn more about how charities working with the criminal justice system fund vital work in supporting and advocating for some of the most disadvantaged members of our society.

Since kicking off the project in summer 2024, NPC have made good headway in exploring funding flows to criminal justice charities. Their analysis of secondary quantitative data from 360giving and the Charity Commission, funded by Lloyds Bank Foundation and supported by Clinks, AB Charitable Trust, HMPPS and Corston Independent Funders Coalition, started to show us what the funding landscape looks like for criminal justice charities. These initial findings were shared at the annual Clinks conference in December where attendees felt strongly that the overarching data on funding flows aligned with charities’ experience – the research is adding further credibility to what we’ve been hearing anecdotally.

However, the data infrastructure that exists means that we have only been able to go so far in detailing ‘who is funding who to do what’ in the criminal justice voluntary sector. For us to learn more and to be confident in any recommendations we make to policy makers and funders, our project partners have agreed to carry out two additional research activities to collect more data. Firstly, some desk-based research to explore the funding flows to samples of CJS charities working with both women and racially minoritised groups. Secondly, a survey for charities working in the criminal justice system, especially smaller ones whose funding make-up we know less about.

Take the survey

The survey will be live until 31 January and is being shared directly with charities by our project partners. If you are a charity working in, with or around the criminal justice system, please follow this link and take this 10 minute survey. If you know of a charity working in this space, please pass this survey on to them.

Sharing the findings

Look out for details of an online learning event in March. It will be aimed at statutory and philanthropic funders of criminal justice charities but anyone with an interest is welcome. Please follow NPC, Lloyds Bank Foundation or any of the project partners on socials for more information in the coming months.