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Mapping and understanding funding flows to the criminal justice voluntary sector

Lloyds Bank Foundation is funding New Philanthropy Capital to deliver an exciting new research project in partnership with Clinks, Ministry of Justice and The AB Charitable Trust, with Corston Independent Funders’ Coalition acting as a 'critical friend'.  

Since we opened to bids from researchers in April, we are happy to announce that we have appointed New Philanthropy Capital (NPC) to deliver on this research project to explore funding flows to the criminal justice voluntary sector in England and Wales. Having been instrumental in the Beyond Bars series, Justice Data Lab and the Breaking Reoffending cycles report, NPC is well placed to be delivering this important work.

NPC will map funding flows from both statutory and philanthropic funders to the criminal justice voluntary sector, exploring with charitable organisations how the nature of funding impacts on them. The project will start to consider how funders might work together in a more integrated and efficient way, allowing charities to deliver better services to the people who are most in need of their support. This is a short-term project, and we will be sharing our findings at the end of 2024. 

“NPC are delighted to working with Lloyds Bank Foundation and these partners in order to better understand how funding flows affect charities as they go about their vital work. As a consultancy and think-tank for the sector, we combine passion for using data to champion change with a history of working to understand the issues affecting funders and charities in the criminal justice sector through our Beyond Bars reports.”

– Sarah Sandford, Principal: Data, NPC

The partners 

Another key strength of this project is the commitment from the partners to contribute to the development of the research, share the findings, and work together and with others to make funding work better for voluntary organisations.  

“As the national sector support charity in criminal justice we are delighted to be partnering in this project. It is essential that we have a good understanding of the money currently allocated from different sources to voluntary organisations supporting people in the criminal justice system and their families. We hope this will give everyone good information about who funds who, for what activity, for what outcomes, for what period of time - and what the gaps and needs are.”

– Anne Fox, CEO, Clinks

“Understanding the funding landscape and how it circulates through the criminal justice system, particularly as it relates to trusts and foundations, has been a long overdue exercise and we really welcome the work that Lloyds Bank Foundation has initiated with NPC.”

– Andrew Lewin, Third Sector Partnerships and Programmes, Ministry of Justice

“We are pleased to be partnering on this work, and hope that the research will be the first step towards improving how funding flows operate for organisations working in the criminal legal system."

– Laura Dalton, Grants Manager and New Initiatives Lead, The AB Charitable Trust

How to get involved 

NPC will be conducting interviews with a mix of criminal justice voluntary sector organisation leaders (who will be paid for their time), funders and infrastructure organisations, as well as working with the partners and others on the analysis of the findings. If you are interested in contributing to this process, please email John Williams at NPC at  

For all other enquires and comments, please email Suzanne Perry, Research Associate and project manager for this work at Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales at