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Contact us

E-mail us:

Write to us: Society Building, 8 All Saints Street, London, N1 9RL

Call us: 0370 411 1223

Find our offices: click here

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If you would like to request any of our documents or forms in an alternative format, for reasons of accessibility, please contact and we will do our best to help.

Should charities want to choose their own interpreter or live translator, we can help fund this cost up to £500. Please contact for more information.


For media enquiries:

For media queries only please contact Stass Daniells on or 07968 594549



We take complaints very seriously and we treat them as an opportunity to develop. We are grateful to hear from people who are willing to take the time to help us improve. If you have a complaint, please write to us by email on or by post addressed to Lloyds Bank Foundation at Society Building, 8 All Saints Street, London, N1 9RL

For more information, please read our complaints policy here.


How do I raise a safeguarding concern with the Foundation 

Safeguarding concerns or allegations come to light from a wide variety of sources. Foundation staff as well as external stakeholders, such as members of the public or the organisations we fund, can raise a safeguarding concern related to the Foundation’s work or an organisation we fund or contract with in two ways: 

Ideally you should include the following information, although we accept that this is not always possible. 

  • Basic details about the person affected by the concern, as far as it is known. This includes the person’s name, address and contact details. 
  • If the person affected is a child, then details of parents/guardians should also be recorded. Similarly, if the person is an adult at risk (with care and support needs), details of carers should also be recorded. 
  • Basic details of the individual against whom the concern is perceived. This includes their name, relationship/role within their organisation and relationship to the person affected by the concern. 
  • Dates when the concern arose, or when the incident occurred. 
  • A factual description of the concern and the risks or potential risks, wherever possible using the person’s own words to describe the event or incident as this helps avoid assumptions about the intended meaning of the words used. 
  • What action, if any, have you already taken about the concern. 
  • The views and wishes of the person affected about what action they would like taken, including whether the safeguarding concern should be passed to the statutory agency or not. 

If your concern relates to the Safeguarding lead you can ask to speak to our SLT Safeguarding Lead and vice versa. 

You can find more details on our Safeguarding Policy here 


Our sister foundations:

If you are based in Scotland, Northern Ireland or the Channel Islands, please contact the appropriate Foundation, as each has its own Trustee Board, application guidelines, and procedures.


Bank of Scotland Foundation

Address: Bank of Scotland Foundation at The Mound, Edinburgh EH1 1YZ

Tel: 0131 300 9006


Head of Bank of Scotland Foundation: Jillian Baillie  


Halifax Foundation for Northern Ireland

Address: 11-15 Donegall Square North, Belfast, BT1 5GB

Tel: 028 9032 3000



Executive Director: Brenda McMullan


Lloyds Bank Foundation for the Channel Islands

Address: Sarnia House, Le Truchot, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 4EF

Tel: 01481 706360



Executive Director: Jo Le Poidevin