Who applies - is it an individual charity or the collaboration?
The applicant organisation will need to be a small charity (with an annual income of under £1m) applying on behalf of the collaboration.
Is it only charities that make the application?
Yes, but the collaboration may include different types of organisations and is not limited to charities.
We are an existing collaboration/consortium/network – can we apply?
Yes, but you will need to identify partners within your existing consortium etc and develop a separate collaboration agreement for this work.
How will you assess our approach to safeguarding?
Safeguarding is a term used to denote measures to protect the health, well-being and human rights of individuals. It is the arrangements organisations have which are aimed at preventing and responding to all forms of harm, abuse, and exploitation.
You must have a safeguarding policy in place. In addition to this, during the assessment conversation, we will also ask you about how this works in practice. For example,
- what safeguarding training your Trustees, staff, and volunteers undertake
- What safeguarding training your designated safeguarding lead has undertaken and when
- when you last recorded a safeguarding incident
- the process you underwent to manage your last safeguarding incident
We are also interested in how you safeguard people either as paid staff or volunteers who may have care and support needs themselves.
Will you fund core costs?
We can cover some core costs but only those that relate directly to your influencing work and the collaboration. For example, if you were recruiting a co-ordinator for the collaboration we would fund the costs relating to this role eg management time, contribution to overheads etc.
What do you mean by ‘cannot be used to pay for direct delivery of support or services’
This funding is to support your collaboration in its influencing work which might include costs of engaging with your local community and decision-makers, support for people with direct experience to be involved, and supporting the collaboration (eg convening, co-ordination). We will not fund the support you provide directly to the people you work with eg advice, advocacy, access to services, well-being and employability support etc.
Can the charity applying pass on the grant funding to partner organisations?
Yes, the grant can be passed to other organisations within the collaboration to cover the costs of the influencing work.
We already have a grant from the Foundation - can we apply?
Yes, if you have a live Foundation grant for your charity you can apply to this programme on behalf of your local collaboration. We won’t fund local collaborations that currently have a grant from us.
We are a collaboration in one of the LocalMotion or Foundation’s People and Communities’ locations – can we apply?
Yes, but we’d appreciate it if you emailed us first (collaboratons@lloydbankfoundtion.org.uk) so we can make sure we can connect you with the work already going on in these places.
Our influencing work is at a national level but we work with local organisations – can we apply?
No, this programme focussed on supporting influencing work by organisations operating at a local or regional level. Our National Influencing Programme, is funding work to support work at a national level.