How to be wrong

  • March 2022
  • Research
  • Systems Change
  • Good Practice Guides

How to be wrong

  • March 2022
  • Research
  • Systems Change
  • Good Practice Guides

Funded by the Lloyds Bank Foundation of England and Wales, and Sport England, and organised by Ratio, this report encourages funders and others about the future of learning. It provides the summary of discussions by a group of people from the public, private, VCSE and funder sectors which started off by looking at the work some of us were doing in places and how to scale that if it was successful. But doing that, led to a bigger discussion about what counts as success and the richness of learning that comes from getting things wrong. 

It should be clear from the way the network was assembled and functioned that this is not a formal report that reflects the shared perspectives of a representative group. It is a reflection. 

Topics covered include:

  • Learning from the pasts and the future
  • Shifting the focus of learning from 'i' to 'We'
  • Learning that embraces the complexity of life
  • Nine feature of learning that changes the world