Local Consultants
We have a bank of local independent consultants, which have been reference checked, and are experienced in providing specialist support to small charities. Support would normally be up to six days of consultancy, including a half-day diagnostic visit and half-day follow up session.
Skills Based Volunteering
Skills Based Volunteering harnesses the skills of staff at Lloyds Banking Group to strengthen the charities we fund We introduce Bank colleagues who are interested in exploring charity trusteeship to charities seeking new trustees. Once introduced, they get to know one another and determine whether they make a good fit.
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Association of Chairs
Supporting your charity’s Chair to lead the Board effectively and perform their roles to the highest standards of good governance.
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Cranfield Trust
The Cranfield Trust can help you review your board policy and practice.
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Reach Volunteering
Reach Volunteering can help you with trustee recruitment.
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Safeguarding Momentum
Safeguarding Momentum can support your charity to review, develop and implement safeguarding policies and practices, as well as providing safeguarding training for Trustees and staff.
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TrustLaw can help you with many legal issues including legal structures, intellectual property, contracts and partnership agreements.
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Locality can help you to establish new governance arrangements to ensure you can effectively manage your Community Asset.
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