Local Consultants
We have a bank of local independent consultants, which have been reference checked, and are experienced in providing specialist support to small charities. Support would normally be up to six days of consultancy, including a half-day diagnostic visit and half-day follow up session.
Skills Based Volunteering
Skills Based Volunteering harnesses the skills of staff at Lloyds Banking Group to strengthen the charities we fund, supporting them to become more effective, more robust and more sustainable. Charity Mentors work with charities to address a wide range of needs.
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Mayday Trust
Are passionate about providing person-led, transitional and strength-based support to people.
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Homeless Link
Homeless Link can help you with:

Ethical Property Foundation
The Ethical Property Foundation can help you review how you use your building/s in service delivery.
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Safeguarding Momentum
Safeguarding Momentum can support your charity to review, develop and implement safeguarding policies and practice, as well as providing safeguarding training for Trustees and staff.
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Locality can help you:
- understand the implications of property management Learn more
- assess how your work is meeting the needs and wants of the community and how your structure (including staffing and volunteering) has a profile that broadly reflects the area you serve. Learn more
- explore in detail whether a new approach, service, acquisition or venture is worth pursuing, with a clear understanding of the costs, risks, potential gains and the approach needed. Learn more
ProMo-Cymru can help you with a wide range of digital support and help to work better with digital and with communicating messages more effectively through to supporting the development of digital services.
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Revolving Doors Agency
Revolving Doors support will help you develop an understanding of the theory and principles of coproduction and how you can embed these in your organisation so that you strategically and systematically involve your users in the design, delivery and development of your services.
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