Local Consultants
We have a bank of local independent consultants, which have been reference checked, and are experienced in providing specialist support to small charities. Support would normally be up to six days of consultancy, including a half-day diagnostic visit and half-day follow up session.
Skills Based Volunteering
Skills Based Volunteering harnesses the skills of staff at Lloyds Banking Group to strengthen the charities we fund, supporting them to become more effective, more robust and more sustainable. Charity Mentors work with charities to address a wide range of needs.
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Our Communications Modules
As part of our efforts to provide more effective support to charities, we have designed a four-module package of communications support. The support will be specific to your charity’s starting point and confidence levels, in line with the plan you formulate with your Grant Manager and consultant. The four modules cover key messaging, improving digital practice, harnessing the power of press and influencing.
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Act Build Change
Act Build Change is offering charities we partner with support to build their capacity to be more effective in their communications and marketing and expertise to grow their influence locally and nationally.
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Charities Aid Foundation
The Charities Aid Foundation can help you with fundraising strategies, particularly working with corporate organisations.
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Social Change Agency
The Social Change Agency can help you with digital marketing and communications.
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Influencing: The one to one support will work with your organisation, whatever level it is at, to help you develop your voice, influencing work and strategy for charities who wish to influence change and have a greater influence with others in order to achieve the best outcomes for themselves and their beneficiaries.
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Speakers Trust
The Speakers Trust will help you to better communicate your charity’s message, learn how to speak with eloquence and clarity, and develop your storytelling technique to share stories of beneficiaries and successes whilst tailoring every message to the relevant audience.
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