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Introducing our new Advisory Group for our research project into by-and-for organisations

In August 2023 we introduced our plans to launch a new research project into the distinct value of by-and-for organisations. This research is in step with our strategic objectives around influencing policy change and supporting small and local charities working with people facing complex issues and barriers. The learnings will also directly feed into our funding programmes which specifically support organisations that are by-and-for those who experience racial inequity and d/Deaf and/or Disabled people.

The new research project blog sparked a lot of interest from people including potential research partners, organisations who are championing lived experience leadership, those who want to be kept up to date with the project, as well as potential Advisory Group members. Following on from this, we have now recruited a diverse and knowledgeable Advisory Group who will be integral to the project and help us guide and shape the research.

Where we’re at - the Advisory Group

We had an encouraging number of highly skilled and qualified applicants which made shortlisting a challenge. With much care and deliberation, the reviewing panel shortlisted, interviewed and onboarded a group of nine people with diverse professional and lived experience in a range of sectors and standpoints. We are delighted to introduce:

Zlakha Ahmed

Zlakha founded and is currently the Chief Executive Officer for Apna Haq, a survivor-led organisation that supports women and girls from black and minoritised backgrounds in Rotherham, South Yorkshire who are experiencing or have experienced any form of violence and abuse. Zlakha has over 30 years of experience developing and overseeing violence against women support services at a local level, while influencing strategy, policy and procedure at a regional, national, and European level.

Eva Roberts

Eva is currently a Patient and Public Involvement Facilitator in early phase research. She also co-runs a Young People's Advisory Group. Previously, Eva worked as a lived experience researcher, co-applicant and research trial co-ordinator. She has also gained a wealth of experience working as a lived experienced consultant.

Patrick Toland

Patrick is the Chief Executive Officer of the Northern Ireland Rare Disease Partnership. This by-and-for organisation's mission is to empower individuals and families affected by rare conditions, and it focuses on fostering connections, advocacy, education, and innovation to create a supportive and inclusive community. Additionally, Patrick holds the position of Patient Experience lead for the NI NHS digital e-health portal My Care, with a particular emphasis on accessibility and inclusivity.

Mark Johnson MBE

For the past 20 years, Mark has led and been at the vanguard of the campaign around lived experience in the health and justice systems. He has set up charities and social enterprises led and delivered by the people they serve, which have given a voice to around 200,000 people.

Nikhwat Marawat

Nikhwat is the founder and director of The Delicate Mind, an award-winning community interest company that supports the Muslim community. He’s super excited to be working with Lloyds Bank Foundation and looking forward to the year ahead!

Dr Vincent Manning

Vincent is the Director of Catholics for AIDS Prevention and Support community interest organisation which supports people living with HIV in the UK and Ireland. He has been involved in HIV Activism since the late 1980s. His PhD research examined the lived experience of Christians who have been diagnosed with HIV and live in this country.

Sarah Forster

Sarah has personal experience of being part of by-and-for charities where she has used her lived experience – as volunteer, trustee and paid staff member. Sarah has also been an independent voluntary sector consultant since 1995 and has extensive experience of working in the Greater Manchester area with by-and-for organisations.

Joanna Brown

Jo is a Senior Adviser at a self-advocacy charity run by-and-for people with learning disabilities in Norfolk.

Tandy Nicole

Tandy is a non-Executive Director at Govan Community Project and is an Advisory Board Member Lived Experience for the Scottish Government. She is a Data Science and Research Consultant by profession, a qualified Mental Health Nurse and has 15 years’ experience in health care.

The group will meet four times over the next 12 months at key junctures of the research project. Generally, their input will be invaluable in terms of reviewing bids from potential research partners, refining and identify research questions, thinking about ethics and design, developing recommendations, reviewing outputs and supporting dissemination.

Where we’re headed

Our first meeting will be face-to-face in January 2024 where we will get to know each other, set our terms of reference and swiftly get stuck into thinking about our research aims, objectives and approach. This will enable us to move forward with drawing up a research brief and going out to tender. In the spring we hope to be at the point of appointing a research partner (or partners).

Get in touch

We are in communication with organisations and individuals about the progress of this research and we are open to hearing from others on the topic of by-and-for organisations and the research project itself. Please get in touch to discuss any shared interests by emailing Research Associate Suzanne Perry at