Joanna Woodward
Communities Lead
Communities Lead
Prior to joining the Foundation, Joanna spent 10 years working in the Criminal Justice System followed by six years in the voluntary sector as a Community Development Officer and Senior Engagement Officer at Age UK Sheffield.
For her work at Age UK Sheffield she led on the facilitation of the Council and Clinical Commissioning Groups ‘People Keeping Well’, a Social Prescribing programme, building a stakeholder network of over 90 partners across the South West of the City, and funding and supporting new and existing activities to combat loneliness and isolation.
Joanna has also led on the Intergenerational Age Partnership, part of the wider Sheffield Equality Network, creating accessible and meaningful pathways to engagement for older people and spaces for younger and older people to come together and share experiences.
The World Health Organisation accepted Sheffield into the worldwide network of Age Friendly Cities in 2019, and Joanna worked extensively on building the legacy of the programme as a delivery partner, working closely with other UK cities and the Centre For Ageing Better to create a South Yorkshire partnership .
Joanna is passionate about building self-sustaining, healthy communities, that allow people to love where they live, and thrive at every stage of their life.